

Become an ultimate Vestique slave

you, who understand the value of Women
and are willing to
 dedicate your life to supporting
Women as Goddesses in the fullest sense of the word.



As a slave, are you physically and mentally ready to serve your Mistress? Personal development is of course an ongoing activity. You keep a log for the best result.

Would you like to be trained as a Vestique Domina? Contact us through our contact page

Below you see 13 rules to give you an impression of how every sub, without exception, should behave during a meeting with Us. You will find that it is to your advantage if We notice that you have already prepared yourself somewhat. These rules also include postures and other physical and mental challenges. However, there is room here for the framework of your own personality. Your luck is that We are easily bored. As a result, We do not benefit from just one type of sub. How boring is it to just train, hurt or humiliate sissy's. It is precisely the differences between the various slaves that make it fun for us. What is a reward for one is a punishment for another. This is a challenge for Us. Your training is therefore something that will suit you. Not a standard that is applied the same to everyone.


Updated 7 februari 2025

Regel 1: je bent op tijd en je hebt jezelf netjes verzorgd.
Regel 2: je groet Ons op nederige wijze.
Amicale toon en houding zijn onder alle omstandigheden verboden.
Regel 3: Zonder Onze toestemming kijk je Ons niet aan.
Regel 4: je raakt Ons nooit aan!
Tenzij daar specifiek bevel toe wordt gegeven, die alleen van op dat moment (!) en voor de bevel gevende Domina geldt.
Regel 5: je zorgt er altijd voor dat je in een positie bent, waarin je naar Ons opkijkt.
Regel 6: Indien Wij Ons met jou in de openbaarheid begeven, gelden discrete etiquetteregels.
Bijvoorbeeld deuren openhouden, tassen dragen en stoelen aanschuiven. je loopt nooit naast Ons, maar altijd één staplengte achter Ons.
Regel 7: je dient ter gemak en vermaak van je Meesteres.
Haar tijd en aandacht vereist jouw volledige inzet en overgave.
Regel 8: Zonder Onze toestemming zul je niet spreken.
Mocht lijken dat Wij jouw grens niet herkennen, meld je dat met het woord ‘genade’. Wij stoppen direct en vragen je om uitleg.
Regel 9: je straf is geen beloning.
Elke poging tot bedelen of manipuleren om van Ons te krijgen wat JIJ wilt, zal een averechts effect hebben.
Regel 10: jouw Meesteres is niet je vriendin, dus je vraagt geen tijd en geen aandacht van Haar buiten sessies om.
Tenzij Zij anders beveelt. Maak/voel je niet belangrijker dan een ander. Het is je voorrecht om je Meesteres te mogen dienen wanneer het Haar uitkomt.
Regel 11: Respecteer Onze zorgvuldig opgestelde tarieven en regels.
Het onteren van Onze tarieven en regels door middel van verzoek om uitzondering ofwel voorkeursbehandeling, bestraffen wij met meedogenloze stilte.
Regel 12: Zorg voor scherpe zelfreflectie.
Zodat Wij je er niet op hoeven te wijzen wanneer je de regels onvoldoende navolgt.
Regel 13: je hebt altijd de vrijheid je gekozen onderwerping tot Vestique Femdom te beëindigen en je eigen weg te vervolgen.



Ultimate Training Day

live event on October 10th

more to come soon

de Vestique commitment


Have you completed the intro training? Then We will probably give you permission to also participate in the Vestique commitment. Starting the Vestique commitment you are already aware of the basic rules, etiquette and behavior of Vestique. From here on We will test your submission and service more and more severely. We will ask the utmost of you to become a Vestique slave.

During the commitment you have a live session twice a month.

There is no set duration for this commitment; after all, you are never done learning to worship Us.

We have various test moments during the commitment. Are We satisfied with the progress? Then you will receive a Vestique initiation from Us. After this initiation you are a real Vestique slave and you serve as an example for others. Of course We can still teach you plenty and We also have more initiations ready for you.

Ultimate Training Day

live event on October 10th

more to come soon

de Vestique commitment


Have you completed the intro training? Then We will probably give you permission to also participate in the Vestique commitment. Starting the Vestique commitment you are already aware of the basic rules, etiquette and behavior of Vestique. From here on We will test your submission and service more and more severely. We will ask the utmost of you to become a Vestique slave.

During the commitment you have a live session twice a month.

There is no set duration for this commitment; after all, you are never done learning to worship Us.

We have various test moments during the commitment. Are We satisfied with the progress? Then you will receive a Vestique initiation from Us. After this initiation you are a real Vestique slave and you serve as an example for others. Of course We can still teach you plenty and We also have more initiations ready for you.

Vestique session


Not sure yet if you are ultimate enough to become a true Vestique sub? That commitment is not for everyone. Then book one or more separate sessions. The session will be Vestique style, so you can get a taste of our style. Also, Our own etiquette and rules of conduct will apply during the session.

Not sure yet?

Book a single session

Not sure yet if you are ultimate enough to become a true Vestique sub? That commitment is not for everyone. Then book one or more separate sessions. The session will be Vestique style, so you can get a taste of our style. Also, Our own etiquette and rules of conduct will apply during the session.